Tuesday, April 2, 2013

FREE Hot Water Solar System for a Non Profit 501(C)3 Charity on Oahu

Solar HOT WATER System Donation -- FREE!

We are gearing up to do a Charity 501 (c) (3) HOT WATER Solar Donation.         This is not Photovoltaic (solar electric).

We WILL do this system in April of 2013, before the summer rush starts.   This is a $6500 GIFT, do not delay. 

If your organization meets all these requirements, then email us with your information

1) Valid 501 (c) 3 Charity
2) On the Island of Oahu
3) Have an existing electric water heater, and use a good amount of hot water
4) Have room for a 24" diameter solar water heater.
5) You are ready to start saving money right away
6) Must be an organization that directly helps people or animals

REPEAT--this is for solar Hot Water, this IS NOT for solar electric

IF your organization meets all these criteria, please write us with the the Charity name, 501 (c) 3 number, size of existing tank, what your charity does at this facility, and a 1 or 2 line explanation of why you can use solar hot water.




We have in stock -- (1) Refurbished 80 gallon tank and (1) 4x10 panel and the balance of system, this will be a complete working system.    This can handle up to 4 people for normal household usage as an example.   The savings would be between $75 and $125 a month.

Your usage can be higher, and we can use the solar tank as a preheater for the your existing tank.    There just need to be room for  a 24" diameter solar tank next to the existing tank. 
We are looking for a legitimate Charitable Organization -- 501 (c) (3)

The facility must have an existing hot water heater, preferably electric, and must have significant demands for hot water usage in order to make these really worth it!

The savings from a simple  Hot water solar system can be in the range of $48,000 to $74,000 over the life of the system, so we think this is an awesome gift for someone who can't afford it. Non-profit organizations also cannot use the tax credits, so in order to do a solar they would have to pay "Full List Price".

So this is the perfect way to help out a non-profit charitable organization who has hot water usage

If you know the organization that has a need for free hot water, please let us know.
