Steve Olsen Here.
It's been a crazy year, although we are considered essential, it has not been any easy environment to operate in.
Logistics became harder, some suppliers were not able to supply, and local distributors were often out of stock, so we had to buy in bulk when we could get materials.
That said, we greatly appreciate that 98% of our customers have worked with us on scheduling changes, extended times for bid estimates. Thank you very much!!!!
If you need something, or are just curious about modern technologies, be the Squeaky Wheel, and call or email. We don't answer the land line anymore, as 70% of calls are spam/unwanted, so the message just directs to my cell phone (808) 265-5971
We have a dozen or more tuneups that we have not been able to get too. We have been forced to focus on existing acute problems and projects. At this point, to get people's tax credits in, we will likely wait until January to get back into the Tuneup Mode. We will be hiring another admin assistant to coordinate, schedule, do paperwork, and try to get everyone up to speed.
For people with tuneups past 5 years old, it is really important to get it done. You may not lose your system this year, but in 2022 the TAX CREDITS GO TO ZERO, and you will end up paying full list price for a replacement system.
It seems like Summer is vanishing at a rapid pace.
With the Tax Credits Going Away ---We Expect A Very Robust End of the Year.
Back to the "Crazy Year" we also lost a portion of our recent emails, looks like they are gone for good. We expect that we have dropped the ball on some Solar Proposal Requests.
This is the time to be the squeaky wheel, and get back on our radar. We apologize for any dropped balls!
1) Solar Air-conditioning is now "a thing", we have quite a portfolio under our belt and our customers just love these projects. Those light wind and Kona days are now 3 times more frequent, and it is likely to stay that way for the foreseeable future,
as the "Grand Solar Minimum" in sunspots and magnetism is definitely affected the weather patterns, and even ocean circulation patterns.
2) Solar Attic Fans are better than ever. They now have a 25 year warranty, and instead of 25W we are up to 60W and we shop build a proprietary mounting system to let the large PV panel be mounted right on the fan, avoiding 4 extra fasteners through your roof. If you are replacing an existing fan, we can almost always get your net costs under $300, and sometimes even under $200. Ask for a quote today.
3) Microinverter Upgrades! We do both the ones that are compatible with your existing NEM, and we can also add additional panels, using what is called the NEM plus, which normally uses batteries for the biggest financial rewards.
Enphase Microinverter company is shipping batteries to me this week, I just got the call this morning!
It's an exciting brave new world in the battery industry. If you upgrade your old microinverters (warranty dies at 15 years) you will also be battery ready, and you will have full house battery backup and be able to use your whole PV for production during Grid Down due to:
1) Hurricane
2) Tsunami
3) Civil Unrest like the mainland has seen
4) Localized power outages
4) And of course,
we are one of the top experts in Solar Hot Water, now with over 2 thousand systems installed. Many of you got systems in 2006 to 2009. It may be a smart move to replace them this year, before tax credits expire. Get a totally fresh system with the latest technology and fresh warranties (up to 12 years on tank and panels). If your system fail in 2 years, you will pay full list price of $7000 to $8000, and maybe higher as the
out of control government spending eventually feeds into the economy as inflation. Your net cost this year will be more like $2000 to $3000.
(808) 265-5971